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How to Find Work After a Long Period of Unemployment

We have seen in a previous article that there are few details that should not be included in CV but it is also a proven fact that job hunters have a more difficult time finding employment when there are substantial gaps in their resumes. Employers often see these gaps as signs of lack of interest or motivation on the part of the person seeking out work. In fact, many employers have even limited availability to job openings to those who are currently employed. While this practice is fortunately not widespread, the fact remains that one will be at a severe disadvantage when trying to find work after an extended period of unemployment. The good news is there are strategies that experts agree can be used in order to mitigate these circumstances and improve the odds that the person will secure employment within their field.

Have a Good Explanation

Before going into an interview, understand that more than likely gaps in resumes will be addressed in some way or another. Usually, the interviewer will be blunt about it and simply ask for you to explain the period of long term unemployment. While the languid economy should be reason enough, that simply isn’t going to work with most employers as they’ve heard that excuse from every other long term unemployed applicant as well. Instead, have a legitimate reason as to why you’ve been unemployed for so long.

There is a nearly endless list of explanations but some of the best include that you tried to start your very own business, you took a mid career sabbatical and traveled throughout the world, you returned to school in order to gain better credentials, or you even volunteered to help other people.

The point is that the employer wants to see that you’ve been doing something productive with your time instead of just sitting at home looking at the walls.

Always Stay On Game

It is often the case that the interviews we feel offer little hope for working out in our favor are the ones that open up the doors to opportunity and employment. Because of this, the job hunter should always remain positive, be mindful of their body language, and stay on game despite how tedious the process may seem at the time. After weeks of going through dozens of job offers, applying without receiving call backs, and going to interviews that lead nowhere, it is easy enough for any person to begin feeling discouraged. Yet it is important to have a well-grounded perspective on things. Every interview represents a unique opportunity unconnected to the ones before or after it. The interviewer doesn’t know how many jobs you’ve applied to or how desperate you may be in reality. You can use this to your own advantage by staying confident and trying to nail every interview that comes your way. Above all else, never give up hope.

Consider Alternatives to the Internet

While it may seem hard for some of us internet junkies to believe, there is a whole world out there of opportunities that doesn’t involve online resumes and social networking sites. In fact, many experts agree that those who have gaps in their resumes may do better by presenting themselves in-person. Some companies still allow for one to actually show up and talk to a hiring manager before applying. Also, networking events and job fairs allow for one to make a better first impression than an emailed resume can ever accomplish. Meeting someone face-to-face shows that the applicant is truly motivated which helps to mitigate some of the deficiencies that gaps in employment may cause.

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